Avengers: Age of Ultron, directed by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Series) and set for release May 1, poses a rather interesting dilemma; do hero cause more harm than they prevent? The title villain, Ultron is a sentient, virtually indestructible robot created by Tony Stark, aka Iron Man (Robert Downey, Jr.) initially to help mankind but instead turns on his creator and seeks to annihilate humanity.
In Marvel Comics, Ultron (first appearance, Avengers #54, 1968) was originally created by Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym (Ant Man) who used his own brain patters for its programing. The robot gradually developed its own intelligence and rebelled, and almost immediately develops an Oedipus complex whereby it feels irrational hatred for his “father” Hank, and humanity as a whole. He has been a constant, and deadly, enemy of the Avengers due to not only his computer like intelligence and super human strength, but the fact that every version of him (at last count 18) has been encased in a body made of adamantium, the strongest metal in the Marvel universe (Wolverine’s claws are made of it).
James Spader (The Black List) will do the voice duties for Ultron and be joined by the team from the first Avengers movie including Chris Evans (Captain America), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Jeremey Remer (Hawkeye), Scarlett Johanson (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), and Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury).
Two other members of the Marvel Universe will also make an appearance the Scarlett Witch (Elizabeth Olsen, younger sister of Ashley and May-Kate Olsen) and the speedster Quicksilver (first played by Evan Peters in X-Men: Days of Future Past)played by Aaron-Taylor Johnson, best known for the title role in Kick-Ass 1&2.
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