When you have children, especially young ones, any and everything can be dangerous. Even things that aren’t ordinarily dangerous are dangerous in the possession of a young child. So it would make sense to keep dangerous things out of a young child’s hands at all costs right? Well, that wasn’t the case for a young couple in Indiana, who not only put something very dangerous in their child’s hands, but recorded the child playing with it as well.
According to the New York Post, two parents in Indiana not only recorded their one-year old child playing with a real gun, but they also told the child to put the gun in its mouth and make sounds to simulate the gun going off. The video was found as a part of an undercover operation involving the child’s father, 19-year old Michael Barnes. Barnes was arrested after reportedly agreeing to sell an undercover cop a gun through social media, and when police were conducting further investigation, they found the video on his phone.
As if the story couldn’t get worse, according to the video, the parents encouraged the child to put the gun in its mouth and say “pow.” It turns out that the gun was a .40 caliber handgun, even though the mother, 22-year old Toni Wilson, claimed that the gun was a pellet gun.
Unfortunately, the parents didn’t have just the one-year old; they also have a pair of one-month old twins too. All three children were placed in emergency care.
As one could imagine, the parents face a litany of charges.
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