The officer later stopped by to visit the woman and the newborn boy, who were both in good condition after the hectic holiday.
It was a chaotic Christmas for two police officers and an expectant mother in Philadelphia, as the cops helped deliver a baby boy on the subway when a woman had her water break in between stops. It wasn’t until the next day when things had calmed down that the officer were able to stop by the hospital later on to see how the child was doing.
The child’s mother had her water break as the subway train she was on headed for 15th and Market streets station, prompting passengers to rush in to help turn the woman on her side, laying her across the seats, according to a passenger as quoted by the Associated Press.
The husband was made frantic by the situation, prompting the passengers to attempt to calm him down, and then prevent the doors from closing at the next stop to call for the train engineer. This attracted the attention of Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Police Sgt. Daniel Caban and Officer Darrell James, who came to help.
The baby was ultimately delivered at 6 p.m. on Christmas at nearby Hahnemann University Hospital. Caban and James came to visit the newborn baby boys and his parents the next morning, sitting beside the bed with the baby and his mother while talking.
The mother and child were both in good condition. The family declined to speak to the media.
The event caused SEPTA police Chief Thomas Nestal III to tweet about the birth: “Transit Police SGT and PO deliver baby on Market Frankford El train!!!! WOOHOO!!! Now that’s a Christmas gift!!!”
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