Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps pleaded guilty on Friday to his DUI charge. His original one-year sentence was suspended, and he was ordered to abstain from alcohol during his 18 months of supervised probation.
Judge Nathan Braverman accused the 18-time gold medalist Olympic swimmer of being “powerless over alcohol.” He warned Phelps of the consequences of another incident. He stated that if he ends up in court again, there is no other option but jail. The judge added that he did not plan to use Phelps’ “celebrity” against him as he struggles with “personal demons.”
The Olympian appeared apologetic in court, according to the Associated Press, and his attorney highlighted his path of sobriety since Phelps was arrested. This path included 45 days of an intensive alcohol treatment program in Arizona and a letter from his doctor noting Phelps’ cooperative attitude. Phelps is continuing therapy in Maryland and he is attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings regularly.
Outside of the Baltimore City District Court, Phelps described his positive outlook moving forward. He said that he is discovering more about himself and is happy to be moving on. He added that he will “continue to grow from this” and continue his “path to recovery.”
Phelps’ attorney stated that the star swimmer has already benefited from the treatment programs in which he is participating. The attorney also stated that Phelps will continue the programs, and he hopes to swim in the Olympics for the fifth time in 2016. His case is not expected to affect his plans to compete.
The arrest did get him suspended from USA swimming for six months. Therefore, he is not able to compete in the summer 2015 world championships. He is said to be continuing to train very hard in Baltimore.
Phelps, 29, was arrested on Sept. 30 after being caught driving from a casino in Baltimore allegedly under the influence. Documents reveal that was clocked at 84 mph in a 45 mph zone, and he was reported crossing double yellow lines in the Fort McHenry Tunnel.
The legal blood alcohol limit in Maryland is .08 percent, and Phelps’ level was .14 percent. Phelps showed several signs of drunken driving. The officer that pulled Phelps over claimed he could smell alcohol on Phelps’ breath, his eyes were red and bloodshot and his words were slurred.
A police report stated that Phelps refused to take a sobriety test. When asked a second time, he was reportedly “disoriented and argumentative.” He was arrested and taken to the station for processing, and then he was driven to his home in Maryland, according to Maryland Transportation Authority Police.
This is not the first time Phelps has been arrested for drunken driving. In 2004, he received his first DUI arrest in Maryland at the age of 19. At the time, he was required to talk to high school students about alcohol awareness and was sentenced to probation. He pleaded guilty and avoided conviction since he was a first-time offender. He was also seen using a marijuana pipe in 2009. This got him suspended from USA swimming for three months, and one of his sponsors, Kellogg Co., dropped him.

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