The trip to the U.S. was eye-opening for the royal couple, in that they got to see firsthand how Americans can come together despite controversy.
What a whirlwind time for the Royals themselves to visit America. This past weekend, Prince William and Kate Middleton crossed the pond for a bit of business and pleasure, visiting New York City and Washington D.C. The power duo was scheduled to visit the historical National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum, where the remains of 67 British citizens rest, the highest mortality for any foreign country that day.
William addressed the World Bank in Washington on issues of illegal wildlife trafficking. The Prince said that the “collective goal” of our countries needs to be to reduce trading in wildlife by making it more difficult, including denying transportation access for traffickers,holding people accountable for their actions and establishing barriers to traffickers’ illegal activities. Meanwhile, Kate was busy touring a child developmental center with the first lady of New York, Chirlane McCray. The princess helped the children wrap Christmas presents and make crafts.
There was no shortage of excitement as the couple made their way about town. Many likened the frenzy to something akin to Princess Diana. This was their first visit to The Big Apple and the nation’s capital, although they had previously visited California a few years ago. Their trip comes in the wake of a grand jury’s decision not to indict a white police officer in the chokehold death of an unarmed African-American man, Eric Gardner. NYC was riddled with protesters during the visit, including those participating in the fifth night of a “die-in.”
The famous pair witnessed more solidarity for the Eric Gardner tragedy while attending a Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers game at Barclays Center. There, Lebron James, Kyrie Irving and several other players donned warm-up shirts with the words “I can’t breathe” written across them. These words were Gardner’s last, and have become a symbolic anthem for protesters all over America.
There is no doubt that this trip was eye-opening for the couple, in that they got to see firsthand how Americans can come together despite controversy. It is no small coincidence that the Sept. 11 memorial was their last stop before returning home.
A visit with the leader of the free world and other government officials was par for the course. While in D.C., William met and chatted with President Barack Obama. They had a brief catch up while cameras and reporters buzzed around them, capturing the perfect photo op. William and Kate reunited at an event organized by The Royal Foundation, where they rubbed elbows with Hilary Clinton (former first lady, and potential presidential candidate) and her daughter, Chelsea.
Not all was business and seriousness. While at the basketball game, William and Kate met some of America’s royalty, Beyonce and Jay-Z. The foursome was captured shaking hands and congregating with each other before the game started. This in itself was enough for the media and social media fans to go wild, although the quartet did not spend much time together.
There was one little person missing from all of the festivities. The couple’s son George was not in attendance, although King James (Lebron) did give mum and dad a monogrammed jersey to present him with. They are said to be expecting their second child this April. Kate has experienced several bouts of morning sickness lately, and has had to cancel several public engagements because of it.
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