The recipe was provided by the Virginia Historical Society.
Beer snobs of the nation, prepare to salivate: a beer based on a 300-year-old recipe is about to be produced by a Virginia brewer.
Ardent Craft Ales in Richmond just brewed a batch of “Jane’s Percimon Beer,” a recipe for which was pulled from a book in the Virginia Historical Society’s collections from the 18th century that contained a number of recipes for food, medicine and, yes, beer, according to an Associated Press report.
It’s an interesting combination: water, hops, and American persimmons fermented in yeast. It comes from one of thousands of alcoholic recipes in the collection of the society.
Paul Levengood, president and CEO of the society, said in the AP report that a drinker can “feel a connection across time” when consuming something that hasn’t been tasted in hundreds of years, and that it was a “fun way to bring the past into the present.”
It uses a much different brewing technique than modern brewers would use, since technology has improved greatly since those years. Today’s recipes require not just the right ingredients, but very specific timing, whereas the handwritten formula contains just a few sentences without any detailed instructions. A trial run using 17 pounds of persimmons produced just three gallons of the ancient brew.
Still, the brewers consider the trial and error part of the fun. They described the taste of the beer as somewhat sweet with notes of tangerine from the persimmons, as well as a little spiciness from the hops that were used.
It’s not a terribly alcoholic beer, coming in at just 3 percent or less per volume, compared to about 5 percent for a standard beer you might find in a supermarket.
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