Moon time capsule will literally be ground-breaking

Moon time capsule will literally be ground-breaking

In a decade or so a new spacecraft attached with a high-tech drill, will land on the South Pole-Aitken basin, where it will drill 66 feet into the surface of the moon.

For the last decade our moon has not been the beneficiary of a lot of action with NASA focussing its efforts on Mars and the recent Philae asteroid mission. The immense cost to landing another craft on the moon has been deemed too costly for the benefits it would produce but recently new mission plans have commenced, just not by NASA.

The new project, Lunar Mission One, has been in the making for seven years by British scientists who have been crowdfunding the project online, raising over half a million dollars since its launch just a handful of days ago on November 19th. If everything goes according to plan, roughly in a decade or so a new spacecraft attached with a high-tech drill, will land on the South Pole-Aitken basin, where it will drill 66 feet into the surface of the moon, depositing a time capsule and collecting samples of mantle to bring back to the British scientists on Earth.

The two part time capsule will be a publication filled with the history of Earth, equipped with a private cache of digital memory boxes created by individuals. The memory boxes are capable of holding digital files with record of family trees, videos and photographs, they will even being capable of storing DNA and human hair. The private capsules are open to only those who fund the project on the kickstarter mission site.

“It creates emotional significance and it tickles people’s fancy. It’s an emotional thing,” David Iron, the founder of the Lunar Missions Trust, the nonprofit behind the project, tells The Atlantic.

There has been a revived interest in space with the landing of the Philae Rosetta by the European Space Agency, astronomers and scientist alike believe people are beginning to urge governmental leaders and space agencies to explore our solar system like never before. Mars, asteroids, privatized space trips,space burials, and now a time capsule are all realities we can expect in the next decade.

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