Myron May was a 2005 graduate of the school.
The man who police say shot three people at Florida State University had complained to authorities in New Mexico that cameras were watching him and he heard voices talking about him, according to new reports.
Myron May, a 2005 Florida State graduate, is accused of returning to his school this week and shooting two students and a library pistol before being shot fatally by police, according to the Associated Press.
In September, May walked into the Las Cruces Police Department to report his suspicions on cameras installed in his apartment and voices that were talking about him and laughing at him. For example, he told police that he took a bubble bath and, as he put lotion on, he heard voices that said, “Did you see that? He never puts lotion on.”
Police responded within two minutes of his shooting spree at Florida State University, where he used a semiautomatic pistol to attack students in the library. Authorities believe that May thought he was being targeted by the government.
The victims include 18-year-old Elijah Velez, who was grazed by a bullet and treated at the scene, and 21-year-old Farhan Ahmed, who is in the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital in critical condition. Also injured was 30-year-old library employee Nathan Scott, who had been shot in the leg.
Police say multiple people dialed 911.
May was suspcious that his neighbors were watching him as well, and a woman in the unit next to him in New Mexico said a large rock had been thrown at her window at 2 a.m. on Oct. 20, according to the report. He also complained to property managers that neighbors had been laughing at him for watching pornography, police said.
Police officers matched the rock thrown at his window to one of the landscaping rocks in front of May’s apartment. May had had several stays in a mental hospital, reportedly.
May sent packages to about nine people, which police later deemed to be not dangerous.
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