Members who join the Rocky Mountain Knights would still have to wear the KKK's hooded robes.
Diversity — not the word typically associated with the Ku Klux Klan or any other white supremacist group, but John Abarr wants to change that.
According to ABC News, Abarr has formed the Rocky Mountain Knights, a KKK group that will celebrate diversity.
“The KKK is for a strong America,” John told the Great Falls Tribune. “White supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan.”
However, the New York Daily News reports that the Rocky Mountain Knights would have trouble calling itself a “group.” Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League told the Daily News that Abarr is “one guy, pretending to start a Klan group.”
According to the Great Falls Tribune, Abarr says his views have changed over the years and that he wants his newly formed group to be more inclusive than white supremacy groups of the past. In fact, Abarr says he wants to organize a peace summit with the NAACP in the summer of 2015.
Despite a more inclusive membership policy, the newspaper reports that members who join the Rocky Mountain Knights would still have to wear the KKK’s hooded robes.
During the civil rights movement, the KKK, which was founded in 1866, was extremely active, bombing black schools and churches and committing abhorrent acts of violence against black and white activists in the South.
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