The boy was taken to a hospital, but later died from his injuries.
A five-year-old boy was struck and killed by a train on Sunday in Spanish Fork, Utah, The Associated Press reports.
He was allegedly playing on the tracks with two other kids when a train passed through the area at approximately 40 miles per hour. Authorities say that the two other kids were able to jump off the tracks in time.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that a witness told authorities that the young child had plenty of time to jump off the tracks, but that he “froze.”
The boy was taken to a hospital, but later died from “very severe injuries,” according to the newspaper.
Spanish Fork Police Lt. Matt Johnson said that both of the boy’s playmates had left the scene of the accident by the time authorities arrived.
In 2012, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that more than 7,200 people have been killed by trains in the U.S. since 1997; approximately 500 people are killed annually.
The newspaper also noted that most train safety education campaigns focus on accidents involving cars not pedestrian deaths.
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