The man was facing eviction from his apartment before setting off the explosions.
A man in Massachusetts who was facing eviction detonated homemade bombs inside his home in an hours-long standoff with police before finally ending his own life.
State police and SWAT team members were called to the home of a home in Salem at 7:38 a.m. after nearby residents called 911 to report explosions at the two-family apartment building. The man was living on the first floor and had learned he would be evicted. Salem Police Chief Paul Tucker declined to identify this as the reason for his actions, however, according to the Boston Herald.
A neighbor said she was awoken when the man threw an item out the window that exploded. As another neighbor went to pick up groceries at a nearby shop, explosions rattled the neighborhood.
Police negotiators were unable to establish any contact with the man, and after a while they sent officers to kick in the front door, where he was discovered dead. Police are investigating the cause of death.
The explosions caused a lot of damage in the building and blew out windows, but fortunately the family that lived on the second floor was able to escape without injury, according to the police chief.
A witness said he heard five explosions in a row. Police spent six hours attempting to coax the man out before finally discovering the body.
Police are also examining devices that were detonated that they were able to recover to figure out how he made them. Tucker said only that they appeared to be a type of improvised explosive.
It’s not the first time police have responded to the man’s address, according to a detective, but no details have emerged on what they were called for. No name is available for the 45-year-old suspect as next-of-kin is still being notified.
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