Marvel Studios president confirms Black Panther and Captain Marvel will join film universe.
Fans and the media gathered at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood on Tuesday morning, as Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige unveiled Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While viewers will not be getting the Hulk or Black Widow solo films they’ve been hoping for, Feige revealed that the studio will soon be making it’s first films starring a black superhero and a female superheroine.
Ever since Robert Downey Jr.’s participation in the third Captain America film was confirmed earlier this month, fans have speculated that the film will be based on the “Civil War” storyline featured in the Marvel comics. Feige officially confirmed the rumor Tuesday morning, and Downey Jr. and Chris Evans were on hand for the announcement. However, Feige told journalists after the reveal that the film may not be exactly what comic readers expect.
“[It’s the] Civil War of the cinematic universe, which will be greatly inspired by the Civil War of the comic universe, but we have very different continuity there,” he said. “This will be the Civil War based off of all the other films that you’ve seen up to this point, particularly Winter Soldier and particularly Age of Ultron.”
Feige also said teased that the “Civil War” is the “Civil War of the cinematic universe, which will be greatly inspired by the Civil War of the comic universe, but we have very different continuity there,” he said. “This will be the Civil War based off of all the other films that you’ve seen up to this point, particularly Winter Soldier and particularly Age of Ultron.”
The Hollywood event also revealed a Black Panther movie will be a part of Phase 3, marking the first time a black superhero gets his own film in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. Chadwick Boseman was announced as Black Panther, and he will reportedly play a big part in Captain America: Civil War. He will make his first appearance “in costume” in that film before his Nov. 3, 2017 standalone. Feige was extremely pleased that the casting of Boseman wasn’t leaked prior to the official reveal.
“I think there’s always been speculation on a lot of different characters for Black Panther but I’m glad that didn’t leak in earnest the way every single other actor in human history of a certain age has been for Doctor Strange,” said Feige, subtly denying this week’s rumor that Benedict Cumberbatch will play the Sorcerer Supreme.
A Inhumans film, another Thor film starring Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, and two Avengers: Infinity Wars were announced and the release date for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was moved up, but the other big story of the event was the confirmation that a Captain Marvel film is coming. While this isn’t the Black Widow solo film fans wanted, it will finally stop complaints that Marvel hasn’t released a film with a female lead.
“The initial announcements in terms of announcements for that film will be writer announcements and director announcements, which I expect will be quite soon,” said Feige. “In terms of the actress, I think there’s more time on that.”
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