No charges were filed during the incident, although Palin said she suffered injuries.
New audio released Tuesday sheds light on a brawl that took place last month between the daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and other guests at a party near Anchorage, Alaska, according to the Huffington Post.
The audio captures Bristol Palin talking to police immediately after the incident, and her mother can be heard on the tape. Palin told police that her younger sister, Willow, came to her and claimed that an old lady and pusher her, and she decided that “no one’s going to touch my sister.”
After confronting the woman, a man attacked her, pushing her down and dragging her across the lawn while hurling expletives at her, Palin said, claiming that someone also stole her sunglasses and shoes.
A police report from earlier this month said that the host of the party, Korey Klingenmyer, was the man who allegedly shoved Bristol Palin, although it also states that Palin punched him numerous times. She told police she had sustained injuries on her face and needs and that her 5-year-old child was waiting in a car. No charges were filed in the incident.
Sarah Palin took to Facebook to defend her family, calling herself a “proud mama” and that her children’s actions “make my heart soar.”
The police report stated that many individuals were yelling and upset when they arrived at the scene, and that Track Palin, Bristol Palin’s brother, was bloody and shirtless, and appeared to be intoxicated. He claimed to be defending his father, Todd Palin, from four men who jumped him.
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