Lynda Obst and Ridley Scott are teaming up with Fox Studios to create a TV series on Ebola.
As if people were not scared enough of Ebola, it appears that a TV series in in the works surrounding the deadly disease.
Yup, it looks like Fox TV Studios has given the green light to this. In a time where everyone and their mother is terrified of contracting this disease, Lynda Obst and Ridley Scott think it is a good idea to bring it to the small screen in an entertaining way. The pair are teaming up to adapt a 1994 best-seller called The Hot Zone that was written by Richard Preston. Well at least the duo had already had the rights to this and were already planning on making it into a movie but now that it is a hot topic they likely want to get it out faster so they can become a trending topic.
Actually the big screen version never panned out. Jodie Foster was set to star but no telling if she will be on board as the project heads to the small screen. Jim Hart, who penned the screenplay for the movie, is still on the team but as an executive producer. When asked about the project Obst said, “A limited series is a great way to do this because you don’t have to limit it to a three-act structure like you do with a film.”
While Hot Zone covers the Ebola outbreak between the 1970s and 1990s, this adapted version will span into the present. It will highlight the latest US cases and what is going on in West Africa. It has only taken one US citizen’s life but has claimed more than 4,500 people in Africa. Obst said, “I think it’s the speed with which it kills that makes the disease so frightening. People hoped it would stay in some remote part of the world. But that’s a fantasy in the modern world. The modern world makes us one big connected family.”
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