With iOS 8, an Apple ID, and a Wi-Fi network, users will essentially be able to use their Mac OS X desktop or laptop as a giant iPhone for calls or texts.
Apple announced the bulk of its biggest news for the year in September, from the introduction of the new iPhone models to that U2 album that showed up in your iTunes. This week, though, the Cupertino, California-based company made a few other announcements, including a new iPad and a new desktop operating system: OS X Yosemite.
Like any major Apple operating system update, OS X Yosemite brings a fresh interface and visual aesthetic, a list of new applications, and other features. For this operating system, Apple also wanted to push integration between Mac computers and iOS devices. The company says that, with Yosemite, you will actually be able to surf the web on the computer and then pick up your iPhone and continue from the page position where you left off.
Another feature available through this mobile-to-desktop integration is the ability to use an iMac or MacBook computer to make phone calls. According to a report on this feature from China Topix, Yosemite will be able to link up with an iPhone that has iOS 8 and a valid mobile carrier plan. Users will need to connect their phone and computer to the same Wi-Fi network and Apple ID, but after that, they will essentially be able to use their desktop or laptop as a giant iPhone for making and receiving calls.
Right now, it is not completely clear what unique purpose this desktop calling feature will serve. After all, internet calling platforms are not exactly new, and with options like Skype and Google Chat already out there and popular, it is difficult to see what void Apple is filling with this new feature.
The new calling feature will allow users to run texts and calls through their computers, which might help to boost productivity and multitasking. It will also link the phone with the computer’s speakers, which could be beneficial for group conversations.
With iOS and Mac OS X integration, it is clear that Apple is shooting to turn their customers into “all Apple” kinds of people. They want customers to buy Mac computers, iPad tablets, and iPhone telephones. From early looks at the Yosemite calling functions, though, it is doubtful that the new feature will really sway users one way or another.
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