In an interview on 60 Minutes, Comey discussed the growing threat of cybercrime emanating from China.
In a wide-ranging discussion on CBS’s 60 Minutes Sunday night, FBI Director James Comey touched on a variety of topics, from his own biography to the evolution of the FBI since 9/11. But most notably, Comey discussed the growing threat of cybercrime emanating from China.
When asked by interviewer Scott Pelley which countries were attacking the United States from cyberspace, Comey responded “well, I don’t want to give you a complete list. But the top of the list is the Chinese…. They are extremely aggressive and widespread in their efforts to break into American systems to steal information that would benefit their industry.”
According to Comey, the U.S. economy has lost billions to Chinese cybercriminals, mostly from intellectual property theft.
“There are two kinds of big companies in the United States,” said Comey. “There are those who’ve been hacked by the Chinese and those who don’t know they’ve been hacked by the Chinese.”
The FBI director emphasized these hackers are not particularly capable or effective, though, just ubiquitous.
“I liken them a bit to a drunk burglar. They’re kicking in the front door, knocking over the vase, while they’re walking out with your television set,” said Comey. “They’re just prolific. Their strategy seems to be: We’ll just be everywhere all the time. And there’s no way they can stop us.”
But despite the growing threat of cybercrime, Comey insisted that Americans should not be overly concerned about their security. He believes the billions of dollars invested since 9/11 has been well spent.
“We are better organized, better systems, better equipment, smarter deployment. We are better in every way that you’d want us to be since 9/11. We’re not perfect…. But we are in a much better place than we were 13 years ago.”
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