New Jersey Lottery's Slogan, "Give Your Dreams a Chance”, may prove a nightmare for ticketholder of unclaimed $1 million prize
A yet unclaimed winning lottery ticket for $1 million will expire on Sept. 18 if the winner does not step forward to claim their winnings by that date.
According to FoxNews, the Powerball ticket was purchased at a New Jersey convenience store last year with the winning numbers of 7, 10, 22, 32 and 35. The Red Powerball number was 19.
The Multi-State Lottery Association reports the record Powerball jackpot to be $590,500,000 won on May 18, 2013 by Gloria C. Mackenzie of Zephyrhills, FL. There are 45 lotteries currently selling the Powerball game to a population of 297,902,449 million with tickets being sold through over 152,000 terminals.
Apparently, winning ticketholders not claiming their prizes is not entirely uncommon. For example, “Wanted: Missing Millionaires”, a notice from the New York Lottery, seeks help to find exactly those winners in the NYC Metro Region who are AWOL. With a list of 11 unclaimed cash prizes set to expire in 2014, the New York Lottery reports that unclaimed prize money will be returned to the prize pool for future winners.
The winning ticket for the Sept. 18, 2013 drawing was purchased at the Convenience Express store on River Road in North Bergen, according to a CBS NewYork report.
New Jersey Lottery officials strongly recommend that the ticket holder, as with all lottery winners, sign the back of the ticket and immediately contact them. This is because, as Forbes reports, “A lottery ticket is a bearer instrument…meaning that whoever signs the ticket and presents a photo ID can claim the prize.”
Lottery officials are exhorting the ticketholder with the winning numbers (7, 10, 22, 32 and 35, with the Red Powerball number of 19) to come forward before Sept. 18. so as not to lose their loot.
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