The officer stopped the women at traffic lights and as they walked through neighborhoods and threatened them with arrest.
Oklahoma police officer Daniel Ken Holtzclaw, 27, was accused of sexually assaulting at least seven women – not inmates, but rather women he stopped as they were walking. All the women he sexually assaulted were black.
As reported by the Oklahoman, Holtzclaw was arrested around 3 p. m. Thursday outside Gold’s Gym, 2301 W Memorial Road, on complaints of indecent exposure, forcible oral sodomy, sexual battery, and rape. He is now being held at the Oklahoma County Jail in lieu of $5 million bond.
According to Oklahoma City Police Cheif Bill Citty in a press conference held an hour after his arrest, Holzclaw stopped the women at traffic lights and as they walked through neighborhoods and threatened them with arrest. This took place between the months of. He forced them to expose themselves, fondled them, and in at least one instance raped them. Three of the women were assaulted in his car and one was taken to a nearby school. All women were between the ages of 34 to 58, and the incidents all took place between the months of February and June.
Citty also thanked and praised his detectives for working to identify additional victims.
Police spokesperson Capt. Dexter Nelson said it is unclear whether the women were targeted because of their race, as the area he patrolled consisted of mostly black residents, as reported in The Washington Times.
The incidents took place in the area of Lincoln Boulevard to Interstate 35 and NE 14 to NE 50. Officers have received or, in one case, are scheduled to receive statements from seven women so far, but the Springlake Division believes more will come forward, and encourages women who were victims of Holtzclaw to contact the Oklahoma City police sex crimes unit.
The first woman came forward on June 18. That same day, Holtzclaw was placed on administrative leave.
District Attorney David Prater said charges against Holtzclaw should be filed by Aug. 29.
Holtzclaw was one of four Oklahoma City police officers named in the January wrongful-death lawsuit of Clifton Armstrong.
Holtzclaw is an Enid native and three-year veteran of the Oklahoma police force who worked the 4 p. m. to 2 a. m. shift at the Springlake Division.
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