Beware of MonsterMind: Secret cybersecurity program could automate cyberwarfare

Beware of MonsterMind: Secret cybersecurity program could automate cyberwarfare

MonsterMind is reportedly "in the works."

Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor who became famous for leaking classified documents unveiling a controversial domestic surveillance program, has revealed a secret cybersecurity program called “MonsterMind.”

In a Wired report published on Wednesday, Snowden revealed that MonsterMind can “automatically fire back, with no human involvement” after detecting outside cyber attacks against the United States.

According to Snowden, the top-secret program is extremely risky because the U.S. could end up directing a cyberattack at the wrong target.

“You could have someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of these attacks is originating in Russia,” Snowden said, as quoted by Wired“And then we end up shooting back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?”

According to The Associated Press, the former NSA contractor also referred to the program as a significant threat to privacy because the spy agency would “have to secretly get access to virtually all private communications coming in from overseas to people in the U.S.”

MonsterMind is reportedly “in the works.”

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