Coast Guard received distress calls from the boat early on Sunday morning, and has been battling to save the boat - or at very least, the three people onboard - ever since.
The Coast Guard is fighting hard to save three people aboard a sailboat in peril.
According to a report from Fox News, the sailboat in question, a 42-inch boat christened “the Walkabout,” is currently caught in the storms of Hurricane Julio and stranded about 400 miles northeast of Oahu, Hawaii. Coast Guard received distress calls from the boat early on Sunday morning, and has been battling to save the boat – or at very least, the three people onboard – ever since.
So far, Coast Guard has not been able to retrieve the sailors. Early efforts to provide assistance to the Walkabout vessel have mostly proved futile, with high winds and sizable waves making the rescue mission particularly difficult. For instance, the Coast Guard flew an aircraft to the Walkabout’s position on Sunday afternoon, dropping a life raft and a pump into the water near the vessel. Unfortunately, the raft was not dropped close enough to the Walkabout for sailors to reach it in the high winds.
The Walkabout should have its own life raft, but Coast Guard representatives say that it blew away – along with one of the boat’s hatches – thanks to heavy wind and swelling waves. Such losses are not surprising: the Walkabout is supposedly facing 30-foot seas and winds up to 115 miles per hour. The Walkabout is taking on water, and will not likely survive for much longer if the Coast Guard cannot formulate a more effective rescue plan.
The current plan is for a 661-foot container ship called Manukai to pick up the Walkabout and its passengers. However, as of late Sunday evening, the boat still has not arrived at its destination. What the current situation is for the Walkabout sailors remains unknown.
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