Ku Klux Klan leaves candy on doorsteps as part of annual recruitment event
The Ku Klux Klan is looking to sweeten the deal, so to speak, for potential new members who want to join in their (for better or worse) iconic brand of bigotry. Residents in Seneca, SC woke up Sunday morning to find bags of candy on their doorsteps with the message “Save our land, join the Klan.” Ostensibly an anti-immigration rally-cry, most Seneca residents are surprised (and frightened) that the KKK is still around.
According to Fox Carolina, the literature includes a phone number, which leads to a voicemail message that begins with “Be a man join the Klan! Illegal immigration is destroying America,” and ends with, “always remember if it ain’t white, it ain’t right. White power.”
Robert Jones, the Imperial Klaliff of the sect, the Loyal White Knights, returned a call to FOX Carolina. He said that this weekend was their national night ride, a recruitment event they have three times a year. He said that chapters across the country drop literature overnight. He also claims some 20,000 people have dialed the number and are interested in joining the “cause.”
The Klan claims that they’ve always had a strong presence in South Carolina, and in fact aren’t a hate group at all – they’re just following the Bible, they say. The Klan is classified as a hate group in the Seneca, SC area.
While those who found the bundles expressed disdain and embarrassment for their non-white neighbors, Jones says that targeting individual homes is neither possible nor intended in this kind of exercise.
“I mean, we can’t tell who lives in a house, whether they’re black, white, Mexican, gay, we can’t tell that,” said Jones. “And if you were to look at somebody’s house like that, that means you’d be pretty much a racist.”
Who’s the real racist? You are (according to the KKK).
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