The governor has undergone criticism from conservatives after he decided to stop fighting for his state to ban gay marriage last year.
Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says the GOP should not give up their fight against same-sex marriage.
This message comes at a much-needed time for Republicans, as many court decisions have ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. Currently, 20 states support gay marriage, and the right to gay marriage may become national law if the issue goes to the Supreme Court. Last summer, the Supreme Court ruled that married same-sex couples will receive the same rights as married opposite-sex couples.
It would appear based on these rulings that the Republican-based opposition to gay marriage is losing ground and Republican efforts may be futile. However, at the National Governors Association in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday, Christie urged the GOP to press on, telling reporters, “I don’t think there’s some referee who stands up and says, ‘OK, now it’s time for you to change your opinion. The country will resolve this over a period of time. But do I think it’s resolved? No.”
It is unusual to hear the governor of New Jersey, a state where gay marriage is legal, urge same-sex marriage opposers to continue their fight. legalized Christie does not expect New Jersey, who made the decision to legalize same-sex marriage in October of last year, to go back on this decision. He said New Jersey is “settled” on the issue.
The governor has undergone criticism from conservatives after he decided to stop fighting for his state to ban gay marriage last year. On Saturday, he clarified once again that he gave up because he knew he would have lost.
“When I know that I’ve been defeated, you don’t bang your head against the wall anymore and spend taxpayer money to do it,” said Christie, according to Politico.
Christie reminded those gathered at the convention that “an overwhelming majority of the states currently still ban same-sex marriage,” and as such the federal government should not dictate what the whole nation does on this issue, but should leave the decision with the states. He says,“I don’t think it’s time to stop having a discussion.”
Chris Christie is a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate.
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