Facebook has removed some of the more controversial photographs.
A Texas woman has touched off a massive uproar on Facebook by posting pictures of her posing with wildlife she shot and killed while on a hunting safari trip in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The comments on her posts have ranged from supportive to hate-laced remarks, with some containing outright death threats.
Kendall Jones, 19, has spent the past several weeks in Africa hunting a variety of big game animals, including leopards, elephants, hippos, crocodiles and zebras. The Texas Tech cheerleader’s posts have even inspired her own “Stop Kendall Jones” Facebook page.
“I knew when I posted these pictures that there would be people for and against my Facebook page,” Jones told the Cleburne Times-Review. “I really am shocked at how rude many people are by name calling and swearing. I have actually had several death threats, which are going to be investigated. Online bullying and making direct threats is a crime.”
Facebook has removed some of the more controversial photographs, according to the CBC. The social media company said the photos were deleted from her page because they violated its policies regarding animal images.
“We remove reported content that promotes poaching of endangered species, the sale of animals for organized fight or content that includes extreme acts of animal abuse,” Facebook told the CBC.
Proving that there is no such thing as bad publicity, People reports that Jones has leveraged the controversy into a television development deal.
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