Hundreds expected to flock Brooklyn Bridge for gun control demonstration in response to mass shootings

Hundreds expected to flock Brooklyn Bridge for gun control demonstration in response to mass shootings

"Not one more", is the rally cry of demonstrators calling for stricter gun control laws at an event facilitated with the support of former NYC Mayor Bloomberg.

In response to a wave of mass shootings across the U.S, hundreds of demonstrators are planning to march across the Brooklyn Bridge to call for stringent gun control laws.

The marchers will gather in downtown Brooklyn and then march across the bridge to City Hall. The group will then hold a demonstration outside the building’s gates to call for tougher federal firearms regulations.

The march is being underwritten by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the nation’s most visible gun control advocates.

The marchers will include relatives of some of those slain in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and was inspired by a sudden influx of school shootings seen over the last few weeks. Seven people, including the shooter, were killed in Santa Barbara on May 23. Two people, including the shooter, were killed Tuesday at an Oregon high school, the second school shooting in a week

“Not one more,” the rallying cry uttered by Richard Martinez, whose son Christopher was shot to death in Santa Barbara, California, last month.

Other speakers at the march include Shannon Watts, who organized the group Moms Demand Action, the actress Amanda Peet, Erica Lafferty,whose mother Dawn Hochspring was the principal at Sandy Hook, and the mothers of several gun victims.

The event is being run by several groups, including Moms Demand Action, Everytown For Gun Safety and Mayors Against Illegal Guns. All of these organizations are funded by the billionaire former mayor.

Bloomberg has spent millions of his own money into the anti-gun cause, even after leaving office in December. However, he will not be attending the march himself.

In the wake of multiple shootings around the U.S over the last few years, President Barack Obama pledged in his 2014 State of the Union address that he would make efforts to prevent shootings in shopping malls, movie theaters, and schools.

Several American states introduced legislation in 2013 to restrict gun ownership, although similar legislation failed at a national level.

Americans have become dissatisfied with gun laws over the past year. Americans’ changing views could set the course for future gun law debates and legislation.


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