Another nominee drops out of the running as President Obama faces problems in finding a replacement for Secretary Eric Shinseki since accepting his May 30 resignation.
President Obama is facing problems in finding a replacement for Veterans Affairs department Secretary Eric Shinseki since accepting his May 30 resignation.
Shinseki’s resignation followed an inspector general’s report that cited widespread problems with providing veterans prompt medical care and problems with clinics misrepresenting patient wait times.
On Saturday, the Cleveland Clinic’s chief executive officer took himself out of the running to lead the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs after discussing the post with the White House.
Cleveland Clinic chief executive Dr. Toby Cosgrove acknowledged he had been contacted by the Obama administration but said he wants to remain at his current job to complete his work.
“This has been an extraordinarily difficult decision, but I have decided to withdraw from consideration … due to the commitment I have made to the organization, our patients and the work that still needs to be done here,” said Cosgrove.
Cosgrove’s decision is a sign of the problems the Obama administration may face in finding someone willing and able to tackle the VA’s several problems.
The announcement has come just days after President Obama’s choice to be the top health official at the VA withdrew his nomination on Thursday, saying that he feared his confirmation could spark a prolonged political battle.
Jeffrey Murawsky, health care chief for the VA’s Chicago-based regional office, was nominated last month to be the department’s new undersecretary for health care, replacing Robert Petzel, who resigned under pressure. Petzel had been scheduled to retire later this year but was asked to leave early amid the controversy over delays in patient care and preventable deaths at Veterans hospitals.
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