The first driver had slammed on their breaks because a bear was running across the road.
In one of the more bizarre and tragic car crash stories to come along in recent months, the Colorado State Patrol is blaming a bear for a traffic accident that left a 13-year-old girl dead on Saturday afternoon.
According to a report from the Associated Press, the car accident took place around 5:00 on Saturday afternoon in the Boulder Canyon area of Boulder, Colorado. Steve Cullen, a representative from the Boulder Sheriff’s Department, said that the crash had occurred after one car came to a sharp stop, causing a rear end collision. After hitting the vehicle that had stopped, the second car ended up plowing off the road and plunging into a creek, where the 13-year-old victim was swept away by the current.
The twist in the story? The first driver had slammed on their breaks because a bear was running across the road. Supposedly, the fault for the accident has not been laid upon either driver, then, but rather on the bear who just so happened to be crossing the road at an inopportune moment. No sources indicate that the bear has been seen since.
Unfortunately, however, the story ends in tragedy. When the second car, which was being driven by a father and had his two daughters as passengers, careened off the road and into the creek, the water was deep enough and strong enough to sweep the youngest daughter into its current. She was carried away, and by the time officers found her and pulled her from the water – nearly an hour and 15 minutes after the initial accident – her condition was dire. The girl was rushed to the hospital, but doctors were unable to revive her and she was pronounced dead shortly afterward.
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