VIDEO: OutRunner robot runs like a human, only faster

VIDEO: OutRunner robot runs like a human, only faster

The kickstarter-funded robot can run up to 20 miles per hour for two hours on a single charge

Though it’s common for science fiction films to romanticize bipedal, human-like robots, reality is not nearly so entertaining. Robots are typically hard to build and control, and they don’t do anything very quickly. Until now, that is: Meet OutRunner, the robot that “runs” on two legs and reaches speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. Outrunner is a product of Robotics Unlimited, a startup founded bu researchers Sebastien Cotton and Colton Black.

“The whole robotic world is really closed off right now,” Cotton said. “If you’re not an engineer with a Ph.D., well, you won’t be able to play with robots. I want to change that, so I started my company to commercialize robots.”

Rather than just two legs, OutRunner has six – three on either side of the central motor. To “run,” it spins its legs in a precision-timed manner. Though it may appear as though the “legs” operate as thinly-veiled wheels, they don’t. As one “foot” lifts off the ground, one on the other side is timed to touch down immediately after. The result is the closest anyone’s come to replicating the bipedal running motion of humans.

“One of the hardest things with bipedal locomotion is swinging the leg forward,” Cotton said. “That’s a very complicated motion, so we took a different approach to simplify the mechanics by having the legs spinning.”

The company has a kickstarter set up, but they need to get moving if they want to receive funding. As of this writing, the company has 185 backers with total funds of just over $48,000. Impressive, but the kickstarter is set to end June 7, leaving them just 11 days to reach their goal of $150,000. If the goal isn’t reached, they walk away empty-handed.

Should they reach their goal, kickstarter backers should receive their OutRunners late this year. They plan to offer two models, a core and a performance version. The performance model will be faster, have smartphone integration and cost $799. The core model is priced at $299, and can be upgraded to the performance model over time.

See it in action in the video below.

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