Miley also ranted about Liam Hemsworth.
According to a report from MTV.com, Miley Cyrus’ concert antics just reached a new level. At a concert in London on Friday, the former Hannah Montana star went to town on a giant inflatable penis, riding it and putting her mouth around it.
“You know, everyone’s a little bit gay,” Cyrus told her audience at G-A-Y nightclub, according to the Mirror. “Some of us just a little bit more than others. You know, it’s the truth. Everyone’s gay.”
The Mirror also notes that Cyrus introduced Wrecking Ball with a rant about Liam Hemsworth. “I wrote this song after somebody broke my heart, and I just wanted to say ‘f*** you.'”
Concert goer thomaspwelch93 took a rather NSFW video of Miley’s penis-grinding dance moves. Miley also released an NSFW photo of the concert from the audience’s perspective.
Does Miley’s behavior surprise you anymore? Is this merely an attempt to grab headlines or is she just being true to herself? Share your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section.
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