E-cigarettes are marketed to youths, according to study

E-cigarettes are marketed to youths, according to study

E-cigarettes are marketed to youths, according to a new report.

E-cigarette use is rapidly growing, even as controversy over them begins to swell. Some claim that they can help offset public health threats by providing an appealing alternative to smoking. Others are expressing concern over the marketing strategies used to sell them. A recent study has revealed that marketing from eight major producers of e-cigarettes is actively directed towards youthful populations.

A survey was conducted using eight companies responsible for manufacturing e-cigarettes. Six of the eight confirmed that they had sponsored events to promote their brands and all eight had given out samples for free. In 2012 and 2013, a collective 348 events were held that promoted e-cigarettes, many of which were reported to be youth oriented. Events were said to include music festivals, motorized sports events and general parties.

Other strategies are said to have been employed to appeal to younger audiences. Included in these strategies are ads taken out in Sports Illustrated that feature scantily clad women and are being criticized for their appeal to young men. Another heavily scrutinized approach is the development of several flavors for their products, many of which are said to be very appealing to younger people.

Most companies are adamant that they do not intentionally market to youth populations. Instead, several spokespeople have insisted that every possible effort has been taken by their respective companies to avoid exposure of advertisements to youngsters. This has included legislative efforts to regulate marketing strategies available for traditional cigarettes in the past.

Reports indicate that not only is the rate of consumption of e-cigarettes among young people on the rise, but so is the total amount of money spent on marketing tactics by the companies. Six of the eight companies participating in the study reported that they had doubled their expenditures in this area between 2012 and 2013.

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