Zimmerman painting rips off AP photo

Zimmerman painting rips off AP photo

George Zimmerman's latest painting has gotten him into some more legal trouble. The Associated Press claims Zimmerman ripped off an AP photographer's 2012 photo of Florida State Senator Angela Corey.

George Zimmerman’s latest hobby he picked up after being acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin seems to be getting him into even more trouble.  The Associated Press has sent Zimmerman a cease and desist letter, claiming that his most recent portrait he painted of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey is clearly copyright infringement.  According to the Atlantic Journal-Constitution, problems began when Zimmerman’s brother tweeted a picture of the portrait of the prosecutor in Zimmerman’s case.

The contested painting has received mixed reviews so far, according to the Atlantic Journal-Constitution.  Art critics from TIME Magazine have weighed in with their thoughts on the portrait, calling Zimmermans work “primitive”, a “paint by number” and “a desperate cry for attention”.

According to the Atlantic Journal-Constitution, the photo Zimmerman allegedly copied was originally taken on April 11, 2012 when Corey “The Associated Press and a freelance photographer have sent him a cease and desist letter. Now, the photographer’s attorney says Zimmerman ripped off that AP photo on the left to make the portrait on the right,” Associated Press freelance photographer Rick Wilson told CNN.

Despite the allegations, Zimmerman does not seem to be worried about The Associated Press’ demands.  “No worries AP, I’ll just take whatever U sue me for off your tab when I’m done suing you :-),” Zimmerman wrote on Twitter.  Zimmerman’s previous artwork has garnered him quite a following.  According to Mediaite, Zimmerman’s last painting sold for around $100,000, and his former attorney, Mark O’Mara thinks his most recent work is “cute”.

““I looked at the art,” O’Mara said in an interview on The Michael Smerconish Program, according to Mediaite.  ““It’s an interesting picture, it carries a certain cuteness to me that she has that picture and that quote in it because you know my feelings about the way she handled herself and the ethics of the way the prosecution handled it’s case. Cute clip.”

While it has not been officially announced whether or not Zimmerman plans to sell his art piece, Zimmerman’s brother claims that several people have contacted him through social media with offers, according to the Atlantic Journal-Constitution.  “​”The AP says, in a letter to a former Zimmerman attorney, that if a sale is made they’ll be seeking damages,” Wilson said in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel.

The Associated Press has been involved in major copyright infringement with their photos before.  Artist Shepherd Fairey allegedly used AP photographer Mannie Garcia’s photo in his 2008 “Hope” poster of Barack Obama.  The Associated Press wanted both credit and payment for Fairey’s use of the photo.  According to PetaPixel, the sides were able to settle, but Fairey ended up with both fines and probation for destroying evidence essential to the case.

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