Justin Bieber friend Lil Za gets another felony charge

Justin Bieber friend Lil Za gets another felony charge

What egg-zactly is going on?!

Justin Bieber is in hot water with his neighbors and the police. The egging incident is just one in a series of many bad behaviors exhibited by the young pop star, as his actions came to a screeching halt on Tuesday morning. Now his friends are involved.

At this home in Calabasas, the 19-year-old pop star emerged from his bedroom, shocked to find a dozen detectives from the Lost hills station conducting a felony search warrant on Bieber’s mansion in the gated Oaks community.

Neighbors had already been complaining about the star’s reckless driving and all-night parties, when Bieber decided to take things to another level by engaging in a full-on felony egging at a neighbor’s house, Monday evening.

While Bieber still remains a suspect and refused to speak to police without his lawyer present, the damage to the neighbor’s home is reportedly more than $20,000, a heavy price to pay for some late-night “fun.” Fun at whose expense?

Justin’s friend, Lil Za was arrested on suspicion of felony drug possession for what appeared to be cocaine in plain sight, while at Beiber’s house. The police have since retracted their statement issuing a possibility that the white substance could also have been “Molly” or pure Ecstasy. According to the New York Daily News, Lil Za has gotten into even more trouble. While in custody, Lil Za is accused of vandalizing a phone in the jailhouse, earning himself another potential felony count. Calabasas news source The Acorn learned from Lt. Michael Williams. that Lil Za made bail at around $70,000. It had gone up after the phone incident from the initial amount of $20,000. Whew!

Last summer, the Biebs was under the legal microscope for engaging in a brawl in the Hamptons. In November, he was accused of punching a paparazo but the prosecutors dropped the charges. So far, Bieber has been lucky.

“A felony crime is a felony crime, no matter how you commit it,” Lt. Dave Thompson of the Lost Hills police department said, according to the Daily News.

These boys heading to court is sure to be chock-full of drama!

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