Apple sets sights on Google Maps with BroadMap acquisition

Apple sets sights on Google Maps with BroadMap acquisition

Apple's new acquisitions in 2013 hope to breathe new life into their ailing maps platform

Apple maps sucks. That’s hardly conjecture at this point. The first iteration released in September of last year was so bad, Apple CEO Tim Cook eventually advised users to use third party map software until the tech giant was able to work out the kinks amid glaring errors in the service. Things have improved, but it appears that Apple is looking to up their map game with the acquisition of map maker BroadMap.

On their website, BroadMap describes themselves as providing “government, non-profit and commercial business partners with custom-fit Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions.” A GIS can be thought of as a system that provides spatial data entry, management, retrieval, analysis, and visualization functions – essentially the brains behind mapping software, in this case.

Though previous Apple mapping acquisitions have focused on indoor and transit mapping applications, the BroadMap merger is apparently more about talent, according to Apple is hoping the company’s expertise in capturing, sorting and analyzing mapping data will improve the shaky maps platform included in all iOS and OS Mavericks devices.

BroadMap advertises a whole host of products and services, ranging from custom GIS solutions to location intelligence. Though they seemingly lack any one feature that could be integrated into existing platforms, Apple and Services Senior Vice President Eddy Cue apparently see value in BroadMap’s overall range of expertise.

Apple also announced its acquisition of Catch, an Evernote competitor known for synching notes with location data. Theoretically, the Catch technology could make Apple’s Siri a more useful feature, allowing users to receive notifications and location services based on the information contained within notes.

The two acquisitions were revealed as part of an announcement by Apple, where they named 10 of their 15 acquisitions for 2013. Other noteworthy purchases include Embark (mapping), Passif (chip makers), Cue and Topsy (search) and PrimeSense (hardware).

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