Paul Walker dead at 40; Here is the post that broke the story

Paul Walker dead at 40; Here is the post that broke the story

This is the post that broke the Walker death story.

“So I work in Santa Clarita at an automotive performance shop and a good customer just came from Paul’s shop, AE (Always Evolving) where they were having a car show. It seems Paul went for a ride in a guys Porsche and they ended up around a phone pole, the car burst onto flames and rumour has it Paul is dead. I hope he got it wrong but he insists it was Paul. I’m reluctant to post this being just hearsay, but the guy who informed us is a wealthy car enthusiast that just pulled up in his Maserati and nothing to gain from a lie, and has video on his phone of the burning car. If it does turn out to be true, damn… RIP Paul.”


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