Report: Brooke Mueller calls cops, accuses Denise Richards of child abuse

Report: Brooke Mueller calls cops, accuses Denise Richards of child abuse

Cops told TMZ that officers visited Richards Tuesday night to question her about Brooke's child abuse claim.

An exclusive from TMZ reveals that Brooke Mueller has accused actress Denise Richards of abusing her twin boys Bob and Max as well as Denise’s daughters with Hollywood bad boy Charlie Sheen. It’s a complicated issue, but Mueller is locked in a bitter child custody dispute with Sheen.

Cops told TMZ that officers visited Richards Tuesday night to question her about Brooke’s child abuse claim. According to TMZ, Richards called the accusation “ridiculous” and “vindictive.”

As would be expected, Richards isn’t thrilled about the accusation. A source told Radar Online that Denise “is considering her options, including Brooke filing a false police report and/or civil action against her.”

“There is NO evidence that Denise has ever physically or emotionally abused ANY of her children,” said the source.

An insider who spoke with the New York Daily News had a slightly different story. This source said that Mueller was not the source of the accusation. Instead, Mueller’s twins recently claimed that a male member of Denise’s staff “hit” them. The boys’ psychologist was the one who reported the claim to police, according to the insider.

In the meantime, TMZ reports that Sheen is still pissed at the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services. To find evidence of his anger, one needs to look no further than the actor’s Twitter account. Sheen went on a rant on Tuesday, tweeting different definitions for the initials DCFS.

Here are two of his four definitions:









According to TMZ, Charlie is upset that the DCFS is allowing Brooke to eventually regain full custody of their children. It’ll be interesting to see how the judge reacts to Sheen’s latest Twitter blowup. TMZ notes that Charlie’s lawyer had promised his client would halt his Twitter tirades after calling the judge in his custody case an “anus-brain.”

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