Greenhouse gasses on Mars may have allowed for liquid water

Greenhouse gasses on Mars may have allowed for liquid water

New theories regarding Mars' ancient atmosphere are leading scientists to question how water might have once flowed freely across the planet.

To think that Earth had the market cornered on global warming. A team of researchers that includes Ramses M. Ramirez, a doctoral student working with James Kasting, and Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences, Penn State may have discovered that the presence of molecular hydrogen, in addition to carbon dioxide and water, could have created a greenhouse effect on Mars 3.8 billion years ago. Those gasses may be what pushed temperatures high enough to allow for liquid water, the researchers state in the current issue of Nature Geoscience.

“This is exciting because explaining how early Mars could have been warm and wet enough to form the ancient valleys had scientists scratching their heads for the past 30 years,” said Ramirez. “We think we may have a credible solution to this great mystery.”

Previous efforts to produce temperatures warm enough to allow for liquid water used climate models that include only carbon dioxide and water and were unsuccessful. The researchers used a model to show that an atmosphere with sufficient carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen could have made the surface temperatures of Mars warm to above freezing. Those above-freezing temperatures would allow liquid water to flow across the Martian surface over 3.8 billion years ago and form the ancient valley networks, such as Nanedi Valles, much the way sections of the Grand Canyon snake across the western United States today.

Ramirez and post-doctoral researcher Ravi Kopparapu co-developed a one-dimensional climate model to demonstrate the possibility that the gas levels from volcanic activity could have created enough hydrogen and carbon dioxide to form a greenhouse and raise temperatures sufficiently to allow for liquid water. Once they developed the model, Ramirez ran the model using new hydrogen absorption data and used it to recreate the conditions on early Mars, a time when the sun was about 30 percent less bright than it is today.

“We think that there is no way to form the ancient valleys with any of the alternate cold early Mars models,” said Ramirez. “However, the problem with selling a warm early Mars is that nobody had been able to put forth a feasible mechanism in the past three decades. So, we hope that our results will get people to reconsider their positions.”

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