Sheryl Sandberg slams reaction to ‘teen problem’ comment

Sheryl Sandberg slams reaction to ‘teen problem’ comment

Sandberg says that Facebook wants to be the "most useful" not the "newest" or "coolest."

Facebook Chief Operations Officer Sheryl Sandberg is confident that Facebook doesn’t have a problem with teens. Her remarks were made in response to a comment from a Facebook executive about a drop in daily users.

“We did see a decrease in daily users, especially younger teens,” Facebook Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman said during a recent quarterly earnings call.

“I think the reaction to that comment has been blown out of proportion,” Sandberg said in a recent interview with AllThingsD.

She admitted, however, that Facebook is not the “newest” social media platform available to online teens any more.

“One of the challenges we face right now is that we’re a decade old,” she noted. “That means that we’re not the newest. And often, particularly in our space, newer things are shinier and cooler.”

Despite their veteran status in the social media sphere, Sandberg is confident that they have a good strategy to keep them at the top.

“What Mark [Zuckerberg] has said and what we all believe is that we’re not trying to be the coolest,” she added. “And we’re not trying to be the newest. We’re trying to be the most useful.”

A Pew survey from May revealed that teens’ enthusiasm for the social network is waning. The survey noted that “the stress of needing to manage their reputation on Facebook also contributes to the lack of enthusiasm” among teens.

The survey found that 24 percent of online teens now utilize Twitter, up from 16 percent in 2011.

“Those teens who used sites like Twitter and Instagram reported feeling like they could better express themselves on these platforms, where they felt freed from the social expectations and constraints of Facebook,” the survey said. “Nevertheless, the site is still where a large amount of socializing takes place, and teens feel they need to stay on Facebook in order to not miss out.”

What do you think of Sandberg’s comments? Is Facebook the most useful social media platform or has its usefulness decreased in recent years? If you’re a teenager, do you still use Facebook or has another platform become more “useful”? Start a conversation by sharing your thoughts in the comments section.

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