Jane now has more than 122,000 followers on Instagram.
Loni Jane, a pregnant woman, is being slammed for her radical fruit-based diet; a diet that includes consuming up to 20 bananas per day.
Her extreme fruit diet was revealed in a news.com.au article.
“It all started about three years ago. I started getting skin infections, acne and putting on weight which was weird because I’d always been so slim. I wanted to sleep all the time and ended up with a whole range of health problems including candida overgrowth, hormone imbalance, irregular periods and hair loss,” she said in her original interview with news.com.au.
“If you scroll back to when I first started on Instagram you’ll see I was never as healthy as I am now, that’s for sure. It’s pretty crazy, the difference between then and now, but I like to keep it up there so people can be inspired that they can easily change their lifestyles as well and to also see what excessive partying, drinking alcohol and junk food can do to your body,” she added.
Jane officially follows the 80/10/10 diet. According to the Daily Mail online, the 80/10/10 has become extremely popular among big-time athletes. In fact, tennis star Martina Navratilova and NBA star Ronnie Grandison have adopted the diet. The extreme diet is as follows: 80 percent fruits and veggies, ten percent protein and ten percent fat.
Viewers flooded the article’s comments section with criticism, praise and everything in between.
“When you get massive gallstones, let me know how that diet is going for you,” said one commenter who was obviously worried about the pregnant woman’s health.
Despite the criticism, Jane said that she won’t give up on her extreme diet.
“The negative feedback doesn’t get to me because the people who are slamming me for it haven’t tried it themselves and don’t have any education about it. They don’t understand and they’re not even trying to. They’re just having their opinions and their judgment way to quickly and they’re too stuck in their comfort zones,” Jane told news.com.au in a follow-up interview.
“It seems so ridiculous because we’re always told to eat more fruits and vegetables to be healthy, so it doesn’t make any sense. I can’t see how people can think that I’m depriving myself or my child. They’re clearly not seeing the amount of food I’m eating,” she added.
Jane now has more than 122,000 followers on Instagram.
What do you think of Jane’s fruit-based diet? Does she deserve criticism for the way she eats? Start a conversation by sharing your thoughts in the comments section.
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