Want to visit Bieber? You will now have to sign a contract.
If you are lucky enough to get invited to one of Justin Bieber’s parties and talk about anything that happens, it could end up costing you $5 million.
TMZ reported that Bieber’s lawyer has drawn up a waiver guests have to sign where they agree not to breech his privacy by spilling about details of anything that happens at his home. If they break the contact, they may be faced with a $5 million lawsuit.
According to the Liability Waiver and Release, all guests at Bieber’s $6.5 million home in California must realize that their participation in activities at his home are “potentially hazardous” and that some activities may involve “minor injuries to catastrophic injuries, even death.” The waiver goes on to say that guests can’t mention anything that happens at Bieber’s place to anyone, including giving any interviews to the press or posting on Twitter.
Essentially, what happens at Bieber’s house stays at Bieber’s house.
As hilarious as it is to see a legal document mention the possibility of death and Twitter within paragraphs of each other, having to sign such a waiver before going to a party would sure kill the mood. Even though the chance of things getting so out of hand that “catastrophic injury” or death could occur might sound appealing to a lot of teenagers, taking away their ability to tweet or post pictures on Instagram about such events would certainly be a turn-off.
Since the waiver is intended for everyone who visits Bieber’s home, it will be interesting to see how that goes over with his parents or any future girlfriends.
The alleged contract should be more shocking than it is, but considering some of Bieber’s antics lately, it sort of makes sense. Bieber recently got the attention of the police in Sweden for having marijuana on his tour bus and was captured on video cursing out a photographer while his security guards held him back from hitting the man. Considering how out of sorts Bieber has been on the road, it’s not too surprising that the pop star wants to put a gag order in place for everyone who visits his home.
Bieber might not need to worry too much about making his guests sign waivers since he currently faces the possibility of jail time or probation. Back in March, Bieber got into a spat with his neighbor and the Los Angeles D.A. is considering bringing battery charges against the singer. The neighbor claimed that Bieber was driving recklessly through the neighborhood and after confronting him, Bieber spit on him and threatened to kill him.
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