Are you planning on buying Google Glass?
Google Glass seems to be giving lawmakers in Congress a queasy feeling in their stomachs.
According to The New York Times, eight lawmakers have mailed a letter to Larry Page demanding answers to eight concerns about Google Glass and the company’s respect for personal privacy. The lawmakers have requested a response by June 14.
The New York Times reports that the lawmakers’ concerns over Glass privacy were boiled down into eight questions, including a question about how Google will obtain and manage data from Google Glass and a question about how the search engine behemoth can protect the privacy of people in the same area as those using the new smart spectacles. The lawmakers also wanted to know whether Google Glass has facial recognition technology.
The new technology devices will give people easy access to information on the go. Google Glass wearers can surf the Internet, take photos and shoot videos. Users will able be able to access Facebook and other social networking sites.
While the easy access to information sounds great, it won’t be hard to find yourself walking into a public place where Google Glass has been banned.
According to NBC News, forget about taking your expensive piece of technology to Las Vegas. The Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club, a strip club in Las Vegas, told NBC News that recording devices of any kind are strictly prohibited in the club and that all devices, including Google Glass, will be checked in at the front door.
Why exactly is Glass privacy a concern at places like strip clubs and other public venues where recording is strictly prohibited? Forbes points out that the video camera sits at the user’s eye level and snaps photos or takes video without a red blinking light to warn others that they’re being filmed.
Are you planning on buying Google Glass? Start a discussion in the comments section.
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