The latest edition of Star Wars is set for release.
When Disney purchased Lucasfilm in late 2012 for just over $4 billion, everyone knew that Disney had landed a cash cow. Star Wars stuff is everywhere–toys, bed sheets, books, re-releases of the films that include an extra few scenes, etc. Most fans knew there was a new installment of Star Wars in the making, but what they didn’t expect was that new Star Wars films would become a regular thing.
And that is exactly what Walt Disney Co. chairman Alan Horn announced today at the movie theater convention CinemaCon in Las Vegas. Horn said that Episode VII will be released in 2015 and new films will be released each following summer. The additional movies won’t all be continuations of the original story line, but instead will be stand-alone films.
In between the years that Episodes VII, VIII and IX are released, fans will be treated to the spin-off films that focus on specific Star Wars characters. According to Entertainment Weekly, these films will likely focus on a young Han Solo and Boba Fett. Since the spin-off films are early in development, the plans could change, but Han Solo and Boba Fett are two popular characters from the original trilogy that may help draw in the older fans that are skeptical about the new films.
Back in March, fans got an idea of the direction Episode VII was taking when it was confirmed that Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) were reprising their roles in the new movie. If one of the spin-off films does focus on a young Han Solo, it will be interesting to see who they get to take on the role that made Ford’s career.
While many Star Wars fans are thrilled with the announcement, not everyone is happy about so many new Star Wars movies coming out. One Twitter user commented that a new film every year would “ruin the rareness of the movies.”
When Episodes I, II and III were released, hardcore fans of the older trilogy were very critical of the series and thought George Lucas ruined the franchise. The new trilogy got off to a rocky start with these fans when it was announced that J.J. Abrams (director of the new Star Trek movies) would be directing Episode VII. One can only imagine the reaction these fans would have if one of the spin-off films focuses on the loathed Jar Jar Binks.
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