Though Frank played a bully on "Leave it to Beaver," Jerry Mathers told the Los Angeles Times that Bank was a "kind" and "gentle" person in real life.
The New York Daily News reports that Frank Bank, who played Clarence “Lumpy” Rutherford on “Leave it to Beaver” passed away Saturday at the age of 71. The Daily News notes that the cause of death is unknown.
According to AceShowbiz, Bank is survived by his wife, four daughters and five grandchildren. Bank died just one day after his 71st birthday. AceShowbiz adds that a spokesman for Hillside Memorial Park in Los Angeles confirmed Bank’s passing.
Jerry Mathers, who played Theodore “Beaver” Cleaver on “Leave it to Beaver,” lamented his costar’s death on Facebook. Mathers noted that he was “so sad” to hear of Bank’s passing, calling Lumpy both a “dear friend” and a “business associate.” Mathers added that Bank was a talented actor.
Though Frank played a bully on “Leave it to Beaver,” Mathers told the Los Angeles Times that Bank was a “kind” and “gentle” person in real life.
The Daily News points out that Lumpy was introduced to TV audiences as the local bully who picked on “Wally” and Beaver Cleaver. It was soon clear, however, that Lumpy was relatively harmless because he wasn’t a very good bully.
According to FoxNews.com, Bank made appearances on “Hollywood Squares” and “Family Feud” after “Leave it to Beaver” ended in 1963. After leaving television, Bank became a bond broker. Mathers and Barbara Billingsley, who played “June Cleaver” on “Leave it to Beaver,” were some of “Lumpy’s” clients.
Billingsley once told People that Bank is “brighter” than Lumpy and an excellent stockbroker. Billingsley died in 2010 at the age of 94.
Time.com considers “Leave it to Beaver” one of the “All-Time Top 100 TV Shows.” Do you agree? Did you watch “Leave it to Beaver” as a kid? Who was your favorite “Leave it to Beaver” character? Did the TV show properly explore the consequences of bullying with viewing audiences? Share your fondest memory of Frank Bank’s character in the comments section.
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