Florida man kills himself after President Obama wins re-election.
A 64-year-old Key West resident and tanning business owner has reportedly committed suicide, which police say was directly related to President Barack Obama’s re-election.
Key West Police say they found Henry Hamilton’s body in his bedroom November 8, along with a living will with handwritten words “Do not revive! Fuck Obama!” Two empty prescription empty pill bottles were in the dining room — one for the anxiety medication Xanax and one for the schizophrenia medication Seroquel.
Hamilton’s partner Michael Cossey told police that Hamilton had promised: “If Barack gets re-elected, I’m not going to be around,” according to the Key West Citizen.
Mr. Cossey said that Mr. Hamilton had been “very upset about the election results” and “very stressed about his business.”
Police are investigating the death but say they suspect no foul play.
With Mr. Obama’s re-election, a number of business owners have expressed concerns with added costs related to complying with the president’s controversial health care law. Mr. Obama’s re-election has effectively ended the waiting game about whether his law that overhauls the U.S. health care system would really take effect, sending states into a scramble to meet requirements. Earlier this week, John Schnatter, owner of Papa John’s, came under fire for his comments about ObamaCare. ObamaCare is expected to hit the nationwide pizza chain with recurring costs of $5-8 million per year, according to Mr. Schnatter. He has said that he intends to pass along the costs of ObamaCare to the consumer, sparking debate over the impact felt by consumers.
The report comes as a Mesa, Arizona, woman was arrested Saturday after she allegedly chased her husband around a Gilbert, Arizona, parking lot in an SUV during an argument over the presidential election. The woman finally ran over her husband, leaving him with critical injuries. The woman reportedly attempted to kill her husband after he did not vote.
News of suicide also comes as Florida election officials officially announced Mr. Obama would secure the state’s 29 electoral votes, providing Mr. Obama with an overwhelming majority of electoral votes.
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