Comedian Stephen Colbert mourns Mitt Romney's loss in 2012 presidential election.
Comedian Stephen Colbert, host of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report,” mourned Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 presidential election on Thursday’s episode. Searching for someone or something to blame for the Michigan native’s defeat, Mr. Colbert pointed his finger at Hurricane Sandy.
“It was hurricane Sandy, it was Sandy that did it,” Mr. Colbert said Thursday. “People worried about the nor’easter that came the day after the elections.”
All kidding aside, Republicans pointed to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s praise of President Barack Obama as one reason why the election results did not go in their favor.
Governor Christie praised the president’s response to Hurricane Sandy prior to the election. “It’s been very good working with the President,” Mr. Christie said on “Morning Joe” after Sandy devastated the New Jersey coastline. “He and his Administration have been coordinating with us. It’s been wonderful.”
A number of Republicans took great offense to the New Jersey Republican’s remarks.
“The list of fools who have brought this disaster upon us certainly also will include New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the gelatinous clown who (a) hogged up a prime time spot at the Republican convention to sing his own praises; (b) embraced Obama as the hero of Hurricane Sandy; and (c) then refused to appear at campaign events in support of Romney’s presidential campaign,” wrote Robert Stacey McCain in The American Spectator.
Despite Romney’s loss to President Obama, Mr. Colbert was certain that the former Massachusetts governor still has a shot at 270 electoral votes.
“He can still pull this one off, there’s another path to 270 for Mitt,” Mr. Colbert told Rachel Maddow. “He just needs to get Switzerland, the Cayman Islands and the secret state only Republicans can see: Whitesylvannia.”
While the comedian is only kidding, his observation hints at an image problem that the Republican Party will have to tackle before the 2016 presidential election.
Nicholas D. Kristoff of The Seattle Times wrote in a column on Thursday that ” … if the Republican Party remains a purist cohort built around grumpy old white men, it is committing suicide. That’s bad not just for conservatives but for our entire country.”
On election night, Mr. Colbert’s despair became tangible when compared to Jon Stewart’s excitement.

“America has elected its first black president for an historic first second time,” the pundit said Tuesday. “Frankly folks, I’m stunned. I really thought Romney would win. I’ll never get to see Romney’s inaugural ball, and his first dance with Rafalca.
Reaction to the election results demonstrates just how divided America is when it comes to politics.
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